Monday 8 October 2018

Things That DJs Cannot Do During Night Parties

Do you want to be a DJ Melbourne or do you want to hire a DJ for your night party? There are some important things you need to know about DJs. DJs sacrifice a lot to make sure you are well entertained. Read this blog post to understand what your favourite DJ cannot do throughout the night.

They can’t drink

Ever wondered why DJs don’t drink during their gigs? Of course, there are some DJs who drink but those are not professional DJs. A professional DJ will not drink even if you offer them a drink. This is not because they don’t drink but because they have to remain sober throughout the night to make sure you have a good time.

They can’t pick calls

So, you have been calling your favourite DJ for hours without a response. Don’t get mad, your DJ may be somewhere playing music. When looking for a DJ hire Melbourne, it is recommended to hire the one that switches off the phone when playing music. Ringing phones can distract both the DJ and the whole crowd. DJs have microphones and the MICs are normally on most of the time. When a phone rings, the microphone will pick the sound and this will distract the whole crowd.

They won’t talk to the fans

There are many people in every party who would like to talk to the DJ but the DJ won’t talk back to you. They will hear your requests and decide whether to play them or not but they won’t talk back to you personally. DJs only talk to the whole crowd when they have something to say but they don’t chat around with fans. This is because chatting can distract the DJ Melbourne and spoil the party. Many DJs put on headphones to prevent distractions from the crowd.