Sunday 11 November 2018

How To Know Serious DJs To Hire For Your Gig

It is quite easy to know the best DJs near you to hire for your gig. However, if it is your first time, you can have a lot of difficulties. There are many things you need to consider before you choose a DJ for your gig. This guide will give you a proper foundation.

Follow their shows
You can attend their shows personally or you can follow their YouTube channels to find out how they perform in their shows. Do they have a big crowd? Does the crowd seem to be happy? How about the lighting? You need to consider all these things to know how the DJ is likely to perform in your show. You also need to listen to the kind of music they play. Does the music suit your audience? Is the music appropriate for your gig? You can learn all this from their performances.
The booking processes
When looking for DJs Melbourne, no one wants a DJ that cannot be reached. Nowadays most DJs have websites and they can be booked on the internet. If you cannot contact the DJ through email or phone then it is better to avoid them rather than being frustrated. You should also consider the payment methods and ensure that it is convenient for you.
The equipment
You need a DJ with up to date and working equipment. Make sure the DJ has backup equipment too because you don’t want your gig to be at a standstill because of the equipment. You can test the equipment together with the DJ before the gig.
Backup plan
DJs near you are just human beings like you and they can get ill and fail to show up. You need to ensure that the DJ has a backup DJ to come in his place when he cannot make it.