Sunday 24 November 2019

Important DJ Equipment You Need For A Wedding

Some DJs Melbourne in Australia have often found themselves lacking the proper equipment for a wedding. What they might not realise is that weddings are formal events that require a different setup from a nightclub. The following are some of the special equipment a wedding DJ should have.

DJ Laptop and controllers

A lot of weddings might take place in different outdoor locations such as a farmhouse or a beach. It is, therefore, important for your DJ equipment to stay safe during transportation. DJ controllers will relieve you from the burden of carrying those heavy turntables and mixers. A laptop or a DJ controller will help you very much.

PA speakers

Some weddings are held in large receptions and cathedrals and this is why you need to ensure you have powerful speakers. PA speakers will allow you to adjust the volume without the fear of losing the quality of the music. Experienced wedding DJs Melbourne in Australia will always inspect the venue before they decide the type of speakers they need for the wedding.

Wireless microphones

In weddings, you should expect toasts, speeches or different announcements. You should come prepared with microphones. Make sure they are wireless and with a large signal range. This will prevent the speakers and guests from tripping over the wires. Make sure you check the batteries and ensure the microphones are functioning efficiently.


Professional DJs will always carry lights. Lighting is a very important component of a wedding, especially during the reception. With adequate lighting, you will be able to draw attention to space. This will help you improve the ambience of the venue.

Other equipment that DJs Melbourne in Australia need for a wedding include an adjustable table, headphones, lighting racks, connection cables, hard drives for backup, subwoofers, faders, extension cords, mixers and turntables. These are the most essential equipment your wedding DJ should have.