Thursday 23 April 2020

How To Get Booked As A Wedding DJ

 If you are a wedding DJ in Melbourne Australia, it is important to know how to get booked. Otherwise, you won’t be able to sustain your business if you are not getting gigs. You may have the right gear and skills but marketing your services is a different thing. Here are a few tips to get booked as a wedding DJ in the city in which you operate.

 Wedding DJ references

When you take your first meeting with a wedding couple, they will not be aware of your DJ abilities. Anybody with the right equipment and software can claim to be a professional DJ. You should always have a few penned references to give out during your first meeting. You could also show video footage from your previous wedding so that the bride can have a look at what you can do.

Selecting the right music

The best wedding DJs in Melbourne Australia should be able to understand their clients because their performance depends a lot on their clients. Their demographic, age and musical tastes come into play when ensuring you have a quality collection of music for their reception and wedding.

Look good

It is important to be yourself but if being you isn’t what the couple is looking for then you should up your game. Most weddings are formal and perception is reality. Unless you know differently, you should be able to dress for success. Don’t dress like you are going to perform in a club. Keep it clean and neat.

Master of ceremonies

If you want to increase your chances of being hired as a wedding DJ in Melbourne Australia then you need to know how to play the master of ceremonies part. Couples nowadays don’t want to hire a DJ and a master of ceremonies. They look for a DJ who can play both roles and charge them fairly.