Thursday 28 May 2020

The Best Ways To Negotiate With An Aussie Wedding DJ

The best DJs in Melbourne Australia will give you a chance to negotiate. Being able to negotiate with a wedding DJ will help you in the long run. You can talk to your wedding professionals about how you can work within your budget but some DJs won’t lower their rates just because you asked them to. You need to make them see the need for lowering their rates for you. Here are some tips to help you negotiate with your wedding DJs.

Do your research

Before you negotiate with your wedding DJ, you will need to find out the reasonable cost for a wedding DJ in your area. You will learn that the cost of DJs vary from DJ to DJ with the most popular DJs charging more than the upcoming DJs.

Use the right channel to reach out

While most wedding DJs in Melbourne Australia are willing to negotiate, if you use the wrong channel they will not negotiate. Avoid negotiations through calls, texts or emails. Schedule a meeting with your wedding DJ and negotiate in person. Make sure you know the rates of the DJ so that you do not end up making ridiculously low demands. Requesting for ridiculously low prices will appear to be offensive.

Understand the seasons

Most DJs charge higher prices during the high season when the demand for their services is high. If you know you have a low budget for your wedding, try to schedule it when the prices are low.
Prepare to compromise

The best DJs Melbourne in Australia have their professional gear, backup, lights and additional accessories. Some of them might agree to lower the prices if you compromise on some things. For example, you might compromise on the lights if you feel comfortable with normal venue lights. Review the packages of your DJ to know the services you don’t need and those that you can compromise.