Wednesday 30 September 2020

Top Reasons Why You Should DJ At Weddings

There are a lot of misconceptions about wedding DJs Melbourne in Victoria Australia but they shouldn’t shake your spirit of becoming a wedding DJ since there are a lot of benefits of being a wedding DJ. There are high chances that if you let people know your honest-to-goodness DJ then the question will arise whether you do weddings.

If you are smart then you will immediately say yes even if that is not what you do. Weddings are an ideal way you can improve your artistic and technical skills, increase the variety and number of gigs on your calendar, build your reputation and get paid for the services offered. Here are some more reasons to become a wedding DJ.

You will get paid

It is great to play music in your basement and impress your followers on YouTube and mix cloud with your set. It is even better to keep your friends entertained at a house party. However, unless you have a residency at a high-volume club, you won’t be making any money close to what wedding DJs make. What is the benefit of entertaining people for free when your fellow DJs are being paid for what they do?

You will get better

You do not develop the instinct of mixing alone at home. The only way you can get experienced is through raw experience. The good news is that wherever you live, there are opportunities for gaining the experience and to get paid for what you do.

If you want to be among the top wedding DJs Melbourne in Victoria Australia, you need to play live for real people. The best schooling you can get is not on YouTube or expensive online mixing courses. You can only get it through live mixes like playing at a wedding. This way, you will learn how to interact with your audience.