Wednesday 23 December 2020

Avoid Things That Can Ruin Your DJ Career

Whether you are considered to be among the best DJs Melbourne in Victoria Australia or you are an upcoming DJ, you need to play your cards right and avoid the things that can ruin your DJ career. The following mistakes will give you a bad name and prevent you from getting gigs in your area.

Ignoring red lights and levels

This mistake drives a lot of sound engineers crazy. If you see red lights on your mixer, amplifiers or any other equipment you might be using, make sure you act immediately to correct the mistake. While there is more leeway on most mixers and a few red lights may not cause a problem, it is always good to watch out for them. If you see red lights, you are risking damaging your expensive equipment which might take you some time to recover. DJs for hire in Victoria Australia should take care of their equipment to avoid being cut off by simple faults at the middle of the gig.

Drinking before working

Any career doesn’t require you to drink before working. If you have to drink then it is better to drink on your free days or after work. Drinking before working can be embarrassing for DJs. If you get to the club early, it may be tempting to take a few drinks as you wait to go on. Some people get nervous before a gig and think that drinking can help them kill their nervousness. Drinking and mixing do not go together.

Playing endless crowd requests

The best DJs Melbourne in Victoria Australia know when to play requests and when to ignore them. You should have a basic plan for the gig. Playing random requests will upset the majority of the crowd. You shouldn’t feel the need to play requests just to please a few people and upset the majority.