Thursday 15 April 2021

DJs Have Never Been More In Demand

Everybody wants a DJ at their function and the top DJs Melbourne have never been busier. DJs were supremely busy in the 80s and 90s, had a bit of a lull thereafter, but for the last decade, have made a huge return. It is trendy to have a DJ at your event, or to go listen to and dance to a DJs music. But a good DJ is something special, and you do need to find the right DJ for your event.
So what makes a good DJ? 
Well, for a start they should understand all genres of music. Sure, you get specialist DJs who are into the blues, reggae or hip hop, but a really good DJ will know all music, old and new, will love pop music as much as African music, know when to play electronic music, and read the crowd if he thinks theyre into soul. A good DJ service reads a crowd. He knows how to keep the crowd engaged, how to build up suspense, when to be calm and quiet, when to go slow, and when to rev things up again. A good DJ somehow fits in with the crowd, becoming one, ensuring everyone has a good time.
Being a DJ takes skill. It takes a lot more than just having a record player and being able to spin a few tunes. You need good equipment and you need to know how to use it. A good DJ also needs a personality, especially for an event or party. He needs to make a few announcements here or there, perhaps a few introductions too.
Interview your DJ before booking them. Tell them what you expect and ask what they can provide. Get an experienced DJ and use the top DJs Melbourne if you want an amazing successful party!