Wednesday 2 March 2022

How To Choose A DJ With A Good Personality

There is a certain personality that top DJs Melbourne city should have. If you are choosing the right DJ, you should look for the following personality traits to ensure you are working with the right DJ. 
You should choose a DJ who addresses people by their name. If your DJ doesn’t ask for the names of the people he is supposed to mention and the correct pronunciation, it is a sign that the DJ will not address people by their names. People like to be addressed by their names so make sure your DJ does so. 
A lot of DJs keep details on their mobile phones but it could look disengaging to your guests. You should, therefore, make sure the DJ hire you choose for your event prints this stuff off or has the information on the laptop so that they do not get sidetracked by their latest text message or news when they are supposed to be attentive to the event. 
Make sure you choose a DJ who respects you and your guests during the event. The DJ should address people by their titles and if they don’t have titles, Mr. and Mrs. will do fine. This is a sign of respect. If they want to decline music requests from the guests, a good DJ should do it respectfully. 
Leadership is hard to tell if your DJ can sail the boat when the waters are rough. But it will not hurt to ask your wedding DJ about disastrous events they have done and how they dealt with the situation. 
When choosing top DJs Melbourne city for your event, it is important to choose a DJ who can handle the responsibility when unexpected events happen. This will ease your mind and the mind of everyone else around you.