Saturday 29 July 2023

Important Things Your Wedding DJ Wants You To Know

Working with your wedding DJ Melbourne highly depends on your communication with your DJ. What you tell your DJ or what you fail to tell him will determine the success of your wedding. Continue reading to know some of the most important things your DJ wants you to know.

Do not rely on your Wi-Fi

Letting your playlist live on the internet is not the best thing to do. A lot of DJs are starting to think that just because they have a lot of songs on the cloud, they have everything covered. You know well how many times you have gone to call someone and you realise you cannot make the call because of lack of signal.

There is a high chance you’re not going to get a signal at the barn, a catering hall or the vineyard. If you want to work with DJs nearby, you should choose a DJ who has all their songs downloaded. The DJ you work with should also have a backup drive. This will save you in case of an emergency.

Figure out the most preferred form of communication with your DJ

Some DJs like to communicate via phone calls while others prefer email. If you heard a song on TV and loved it, you should find the easiest and fastest way to communicate with your DJ and tell them to add the song to their playlist before you forget. But knowing the most preferred form of communication of a DJ is the best way to reach out to them within the shortest time possible.

Let your wedding DJ know who’ll be in attendance

Whether your wedding will consist of mostly family, friends or parent’s friends, you need to inform your wedding DJ Melbourne. Your DJ will know the best way to address your guests and the best songs to play when he or she knows the kind of audience you have.