Wednesday 4 May 2022

Wedding DJs Need To Be Booked With Careful Consideration

When you look for wedding DJs Melbourne, do it with proper consideration. By saying this we mean, do your homework and do all the necessary research you need to do. Some DJs go from one job to another and have a really good reputation, and those DJs are usually booked or found via word of mouth recommendations. Other DJs need to work a little harder at getting their names out there, and may not yet have the necessary experience for your occasion. Always check references, make sure the DJs are experienced in weddings and in the kind of wedding that you want to have. Hopefully you have already been at a wedding or function where the DJ has already played, in which case, you know how good they are already.

DJs and confidence

The reason you want wedding DJs with confidence is because you want them to be able to deal with any situation. Sometimes the wedding will start a bit later than planned, perhaps a delay at the church, synagogue or with the photographs. Perhaps there is a hiccup with electricity, or with a dog who has run off with the wedding rings! A DJ should be prepared for any kind of hiccup. They should also be able to read the audience and know when to play fast music, when to play slow music, and when to get into rock and roll. The DJs often need to do a little bit of MCing, or make a few announcements. They also need to know when to take a back seat. A good DJ is a confident DJ, one who has many weddings under their belt. We know this is hard, as everyone needs to get experience somewhere, but the place to get experience is not at your wedding!

Book the best wedding DJs Melbourne if you want a fantastic wedding!

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