Tuesday 7 June 2022

How To Build A Good Music Collection Cheaply

Most DJs Melbourne in Victoria (Vic) find it challenging to get the best music collection for their audience. Before the advent of streaming and MP3s, the only way to get a collection of music was to purchase cassettes, vinyl and CDs. These were very expensive options compared to today’s downloads. They were also finite. If you are trying to get a good music collection, here are some tips.

Purchase from iTunes

iTunes store is one of the best and biggest online stores around the world with the widest music catalogue. If you are looking to purchase individual songs then you should check on the iTunes store. There is a big chance that they will be cheaper than specialist stores.

You will also want to check if the song you want to purchase is included in a compilation. They are sometimes priced cheaper and top DJs benefit from this store. iTunes store is intuitive and quick and you can see all the available versions of tracks when you search.

Join a download pool for DJs

DJ pools are membership sites where DJs can pay a flat fee on a monthly basis to be able to download their favourite content. It is a perfect way to build a collection of music quickly and for less money than paying for individual tracks. Another great thing about download pools is that you can get DJ-friendly versions of songs. This means that the songs have outros and intros to help DJs mix in and out of tracks swiftly.

Build playlist on streaming sites

It is possible for DJs Melbourne Vic to build some awesome playlists on streaming sites such as Beat port, Tidal, Soundcloud and more. they can then spin the playlist using DJ software. The DJ does not need to own any of the music but since they build the playlist, they will be exercising a bit of ownership. 

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